Thursday 26 July 2012


(25th July 2012 - Phone Interview)
We had the pleasure of speaking with Daniel Rice, guitarist for Hadouken. Here's what we talked about.

How did you meet and get together as a band?
Well, I met James at university and we worked on various projects together such as starting a record label and we started jamming together. Basically we decided that we wanted to start a band, after that James asked his girlfriend Alice to play synth for us and I got my brother to play drums.

How did you come up with the band name?
Well all the bands that were out at that time, that we were listening to all had names that were quite different but we wanted something a bit more out there and easily recognisable. Our name comes from the game Street Fighter, ‘Hadouken’ is the name of one of the special moves in the game.

Can you tell us a bit about your recent releases?
Our single 'Parasite' is out just now and our new single 'Bad Signal' is coming out soon. We have also just added the finishing touches to our new album which should be out at some point at later on in the year.

Is there anything big coming up this year for the band?
We are playing the Reading festival and that is always a big thing for us, it will be our fourth time playing the festival so we are all really looking forward to it. We will also be touring the UK and Europe once the album is released.

For you personally, what is the best thing about being in a band?
For me personally it’s touring. When we are out on the road we have a crew of twelve to fourteen people and it’s always a great laugh, it’s as though we're all one big family. Getting to travel round the world with your best friends, playing music and meeting new people, everywhere you go is amazing.

Is there anything else you would like to say?
Yes, it would be great if everyone could check out our new singles because they show two sides of the new album and the new direction we are taking with the new album and where it is going.

Check out the band on Facebook and Twitter-

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