Monday 22 April 2013


Peace Live Review
The Arches, Glasgow
Peace are the latest four-piece indie love band to grace the music scene. The band have constantly been building their fan base and unknowingly creating hype since the release of their EP 'Delicious' in September 2012. Attracting people of all ages and walks of life, these guys definitely have a hugely loyal fanbase. This was obvious tonight as they headlined a sold out show at 'The Arches' in Glasgow.

Opening with 'Delicious' got the crowds attention and quickly sent them into a trance of swaying before the bobbing around began as the song progressed. Peace then went on to perform 'Follow Baby', 'Lovesick', 'Waste of Paint' and 'Float Forever' before performing 'Higher Than The Sun' which seemed to unexpectedly be a crowd favourite. Everyone around me was going nuts for this song. It was the most dancing I'd seen all night and it created such a great atmosphere. It really didn't feel like it was 2013 in The Arches tonight! After performing a few more songs from their debut studio album 'In Love', Peace then left the stage, leaving the crowd chanting. I mean, we're in Glasgow, so you can guess what everyone was screaming.. 

After a couple minutes the band came back out on stage and performed 'California Daze' and 'Bloodshake'. Having had a chat with the guys prior to the show, they had told us that they've only just changed the encore, due to the previous songs not creating as much of a buzz with the fans. It was definitely a good change up, the crowd were jumping around and bobbing their heads. Watching Peace on stage, it was clear that they were a band who loved to perfom. They were feeding off of the crowd and it was great to see everyone just enjoying themselves.

Although there wasn't much crowd involvement at the gig, if I'm honest, it wasn't needed. They performed the songs the fans wanted to hear and everyone was on a high. It truly was a great event to be part of.
If you haven't heard of 'Peace' before, check them out:

I recommend not judging these guys on their recorded music, Peace are a band you need to see live!

Here's what some fans said following the gig:

were amazing tonight! Come back to glasgow soon!

Much Love, Life is Music Tv.

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